sick people

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sick people

更新时间:2024-09-20 06:20:49
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1. A man has been arrested for spiking a business lunch with rat poison, killing four people and leaving eight sick.

2. Minnesota investigators found the bacteria in the peanut butter was a genetic match to the bacteria making the people sick.

3. A large number of people fall sick because of intentional contamination of food by producers or because of careless and unsupervised practices.

4. These factors make people doubtful about TCM resulting in patients being unwilling to choose the doctors of TCM when they are sick.

5. Colds and respiratory diseases are common during cold fronts, with children and older people facing an increased risk of getting sick.

6. People who are sick want the drug to work, whereas people who watch ads assume that they are making up their own minds independently.

7. " The Iraqis are sick people and we are the chemotherapy, " said Corporal Ryan Dupre.

8. Or else, we will degenerate into a society of sick people.

9. There have been many reported cases of people collapsing from dehydration and heat stroke, or people getting sick in Beijing and other cities over the past weeks.

10. Imagine caring for sick, helpless and dependent people who despise you.

sick people是什么意思


1. But my mother she was very concerned about me, and it is cold in my mother told me to wear extra clothes; I was sick, the first one around me to take care of my people is the mother; the evening, my mother waited until I fell asleep, give me a quilt cover Cai Shui, I do not know.

2. Another suggestion that I have is to create special vending machines that sell first-aid kits and standard medicines, such as aspirin, and anti-biotics, etc. for the benefit of people who happen to become injured or sick in the wee hours when all the drugstores are closed.

3. sick people什么意思

3. In the olden days, people believed that when they got sick it was a punishment from God, or the work of the devil.

4. I'm sick of people being fake, and two-faced.

5. Now, marvel as their stories bring to life thrilling accounts of Jesus calming the raging waters of a mighty storm, feeding thousands of people with a few loaves and fish, healing the sick and the greatest miracle of all - Jesus'joyful triumph over death and His glorious ascent into Heaven!

6. Some people might feel shaky, hot, or even sick.

7. Relax's time, I would hope use favorite way to spent it, The end of the morning's course, When my partner Jane said to me, It so happened have two movie tickets, At 19:00, Whether with me together go to watch movie, After my heart feel delight, Though we have been reached before the consensus, Prepare to look at 19:10 the movie, 《Red Cliff》, Actually, I hope to watch a local movie in china, I franked told she i have not seen the movie of the first half, But she said that will not affect, The pm 7:00, I already in the cinema At the door of wait for a long time, Has yet to see my companions, Maybe i in the kill of time, I watch of the film table, Screening of the it seem chinese movie, 《Red Cliff》and《Madagascar》2 Some less the introduction of the movies, Despite I would not be surprise, But I would watch the 《Red Cliff》 should the good choice, I saw Jane, She let me wait a full 15 minutes, I think he will find for themselves better reason, To avoid being late forpsychological, Her own apology for being late because of traffic congestion on the road, Although I am a taxi to the, I feel Chengdu Crowded is Traffic, The sky already dark, The streets are constantly whistle sound, Finally, I can not on forgive her, We enter the cinemas, Cinema is no Imagine as spacious, But is a very delicate environment, The film should have been broadcast, I think we are 10 minutes late, So we quietly went to the location, To watch the movie, I feel to have chinese classical music, To surround the movie, Aslo let me fusion of the atmosphere in China, Maybe the movie has some humorous language, But sometimes have small number of comments Voice, At least that let me feel sick discomfort, We are seriously watch to the movie, Cinema is about to go out, Maybe this is for me is breath of fresh air, The best, But is the helpless's choose, Very fond three kingdoms of my friend, In U. S, They are very fond the Japanese game 《Dynasty Warriors》, They say he is cool, No have complex plot, Can let you full of crazy and direct, These maybe can to me as a reference, Because I do not know three kingdoms of lot, Jane asked in how I feel when, I told her I like Zhou Yu, ,WHich have a scene, When he performed the sword dance when, In front of Xiao Qiao, I feel the ancients are the comfort and fine and smooth, And has a strong China atmosphere, Although in my thoughts, Zhuge Liang is the wisdom, And Cao Cao more are poetry and brutality, Maybe They are contrary, But i not longing the latter, In the movie has a Cao Cao poetry recitation, I ever for that memory, Is clearlr, It makes me feel he to near for me, My favorite watch movie, Maybe in U. S, Many people will because leisure watch movie, In U. S, Movie ticket prices low, That let me feel the can more depth and perfect sound quality, In U. S, I only know the Chinese movie is 《Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon》, This is my ever for China's thought, Martial arts and essence's experience, I like the director Ang Lee, He's movie has the ease, And sometimes, In heart was very heavy, Without violence, I feel that the oriental atmosphere, And bamboo's quiet, Maybe and 《Red Cliff》It is different, 《Red Cliff》's scenes let me feel endless grand, Although i have not seen the upper part, Many Hollywood great's works, Filled more is behind the emotional and caring, They are usually war deep to aware of human nature, China's ancient war, Full of alertness, Also is the wisdom of the struggle, Even if I am fell, It still is a beautiful works, But I believe, It will become my forever memory, I like the memory, Chinese movie memory, Although it will never be able to replace the first

8. sick people什么意思

8. Tonight, I got sick of studying, I felt wasting too much time on sleeping, I got tired of watching movies and TV shows, I was pissed off by the food in the meal hall, other people were busy with their own stuff, there was no one to talk to on MSN, and all these happened at the same time, I could not even scream out to hell like a nut due to the quiet hours were on for the final exam period.

9. Infected people who don't get sick are said to have latent TB.

10. The 30% of people who had one or more stints of at least seven days off work had a 66% increased risk of premature death compared to those who had not had any long periods of sick leave, it was found.

11. I made up my mind to become a doctor, so that I can help the sick people and cure them of their diseases. China is a develop-ing country.

12. People getting on in years get sick easily.

13. Keep on struggling on Don't give up the fight We're sick and tired of your ism and skism game Die and go to heaven in Jesus'name, Lord We know when we understand Almighty God is a living man You can fool some people sometimes But you can't fool all the people all the time So now we see the light We gonna stand up for our right So you'd better get up, stand up, stand up for your right Get Up, Stand Up, don't give up the fight Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right Get Up, Stand Up, don't give up the fight....

14. sick people的反义词

14. Save the sick on their own drugs, and people get more money.

15. Bad weather makes people sick and...

16. I am affraid that the system protects itself and these people will get away with it and that makes me sick.

17. Dotor Fekuta Doctor Fukuda pointed out that hospitals might be quickly filled fill with people who are worried but not especially sick.

18. Cloning is very useful for medical treatment such as organ cloning for sick people or disabled people.

19. sick people在线翻译

19. I hope that every winter there has a heating even on the street. So I do not have to wear very thick, that's not handsome, but you must wear very thick; I hope that when I am shopping, there will be a thing I want to buy it for you; I hope that when you nightmares, I just next to you and I also hope that when I can not sleep but you can slept well at my side; I hope that when you miss me, you will send messages to me, call me, or come to see me by plane, I will be very happy; I hope I can hug you every day; I hope we don't do the cold war; I hope you will always envy for me; I hope every day I can help you to blow-dry your wet hair after washing, and I hope I can clip your nailswe after we together; I hope we use the same perfume, I hope your body is all my taste; I hope you miss me most of the time, even when working; I hope when you sick only I take care of you, other people bug off; I hope that the days I love you, you also love me, and this day will never gone; I hope accompany whit you to the end of the world and the end of the time; I hope you really love me.


20. So I do not have to wear very thick, that's not handsome, but you must wear very thick; I hope that when I am shopping, there will be a thing I want to buy it for you; I hope that when you nightmares, I just next to you and I also hope that when I can not sleep but you can slept well at my side; I hope that when you miss me, you will send messages to me, call me, or come to see me by plane, I will be very happy; I hope I can hug you every day; I hope we don't do the cold war; I hope you will always envy for me; I hope every day I can help you to blow-dry your wet hair after washing, and I hope I can clip your nailswe after we together; I hope we use the same perfume, I hope your body is all my taste; I hope you miss me most of the time, even when working; I hope when you sick only I take care of you, other people bug off; I hope that the days I love you, you also love me, and this day will never gone; I hope accompany whit you to the end of the world and the end of the time; I hope you really love me.

That person makes sick people better.(那人能让病人身体好转。)
To increase coverage, he would subsidise individuals and small firms to buy insurance and bar insurers from excluding sick people.(补贴个人或小型企业购买保险和阻止保险公司拒保病人将扩大覆盖面。)
They wanted it to be a place in a different way of working with sick people.(他们希望这里能成为一个以不同方式与病人合作的地方。)
At any given time, healthy people - who need only limited health care - are subsidizing sick people, who must draw more heavily on the available health resources.(在任何一段时期内,对卫生保健需要有限的健康人补助有病的人,后者必须利用更多的所得卫生资金。)
Keep diapered children in the water for only brief periods and keep sick people out of the water altogether.(不让还戴尿布的孩子长时间在水中逗留,生病的人都不要下水。)
13they drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them.(又赶出许多的鬼,用油抹了许多病人,治好他们。)
If I see a bunch of sick people, maybe a big infection is around, and I better kick my immune system into high gear.(如果我看到一群病患,这里有可能有传染病,那么我最好把自己的免疫系统再开高一个档。)
In the poor world, the patenting system every day puts medicines beyond the reach of sick people.(在贫穷国家,专利制度每天都使病人得不到药品。)
Now a study shows that seeing sick people can even prompt changes in the immune system.(仅仅看到生病的人就会激起我们免疫系统的警钟。)
My father, the town's only doctor, had to be where sick people could find him.(我爸爸是镇上唯一的一名大夫,他得守在病人能找到他的地方。)
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